11 Feb 2021 (at approx 2:57PM) -Sharon fell down just coming back from Bennett's -a local grocery store.

Sharon fell and could not get up and was screaming for help. A little boy came and asked her if she needed something and Sharon told him to go and find someone and call 911 because she needed an ambulance. We presume that the boy went to Dr Ross' office.

The lady to Sharon's left is Tammy from Dr Ross' office. Dr Ross is our family doctor and Tammy knows us personally. She stayed with Sharon from the beginning until the paramedics hauled her away - for the first time.

The blueberries all over the ground is what she was going to the store to get.

At this point let me tell you that Sharon is yelling in pain as the paramedic is moving and trying to secure her arm

This is the little uneven walkway that she was coming from. Sharon was coming from the left going right. You can see the blueberries that she bought on the ground.

This would be the way she walked to go home

As of 5:30PM Sharon had X-Rays and an ultrasound and determined that nothing was broken.

This was my first call with her doctor who explains everything.

Sharon and I were talking about what pain she was in and when she went the first time the doctor had recommended surgery but the doctor had said it was her choice. Sharon being who she is decided to not have the surgery. She the doctor's decided to send her home with pain mediation. I talked with the doctor and he said that she had three (3) fractures of the humerus bone. Dr Faizal Kassam told me that if the pain increased to bring her back and they would operate on her.

Kathryn, Katryna and I went to the hospital and brought Sharon home the first night at around 11Pm. Kathryn had flowers for her to try and bring up her morale.

Well, the night did not go well at all. When morning (after a terrible night) came, she had coffee and we called 911 again. Kathryn was at the house trying to help as much as she could. Sharon had decided that since she was in so much pain, she's opting for surgery.

The paramedic holding the IV in his right hand (Joe) was interacting with Kathryn and Kathryn asked him to keep an eye on Sharon which he did. He texted Kathryn many times with different updates. Joe stopped frequently in KGH to see if Sharon was doing alright. He also stopped in for a few hours at home when he found out that Sharon was home. What a conscientious paramedic and person.

Kathryn was at the house looking after her mother and making sure she is all right. Here she is supervising ...to ensure that her mother is taken away without harm.

The paramedics were surprised that Kathryn was carrying both paramedic bags as they were deemed to weigh a lot.

Once at the ER, I phoned to get updates. In this update we get the impression that they are going to take operational action.

This is an audio file:

Then they are making a decision

This is an audio file:

Then, out of the blue I was able to find out that there was no longer the option of surgery. I delivered a phone to Sharon this time to get more immediate updates without bothering the nursing station. The plan was to treat her in the ER until they found an interim location for her to fully recover since they believe that she could not receive the proper care at home. After about 4 days at the hospital in the ER section H, she was finally advised that she had a room at the Windsor Retirement Home. We were told it was a private room with her own TV and washroom facilities. (I do not have audio updates as they phoned my cell phone and not the home phone). It proved to be all wrong. It was very late at night that Sharon called/texted and said she wanted to come back home. I missed her call so then she called Kathryn at 11PM who convinced her to wait until morning (thinking it was just a reaction to change). Well, I got text throughout the night and a call at 5:15am saying to come and pick me up. I started the car, dressed and left 10 mins later and phoned to say I was on my way. Sharon was already down in the main entrance and ready to leave and could not believe that I was taking so long. She thought the 30 min ride away was closer to 5 mins away. Here is a film she took of her room.


And this was on her return from the "Home". Her right arm is really bruised

A side view to demonstrate how swollen it has become

Compared to her Left Arm which is normal



My mother and Pauline sent a gift so she can buy books and read.

Our neighbors (The Price Family) gave Sharon flowers

From my sister Pierrette and her husband Danny, they sent a beautiful Balderson cheese basket. If she doesn't get better she'll enjoy the food!!!

And of course our great neighbors to the west, Leonard and Jackie are every caring to help with the snow while I look after Sharon

And gave Sharon a card...What good neighbors.

Plus a lot of sincere emails and phone calls and offers to help.

24 Feb she attended a follow-up at the hospital with the doctor. He said she is healing very well. The Dr was surprised that she was at the stage of healing that she was at after only two weeks!
She goes back for another follow up at the end of March and obviously- back in for X-rays . The doctor did say "No physio" until the bones replace themselves.

David Anthony stopped by and dropped off a nice pot of flowers. He stayed for a while as we chatted up a storm.

A lovely card from Tom and family

Our friends Wayne & Vickie came over with a beautiful card and some well spent time with us. Vickie also had some "treats" some overtly given some hidden (ie Sharon's favorite-Jujubes)

From Sangeeta

Then we got this delivered to our door from Mel (a lady we met who is friends of Kathryn)

In May Sharon was able to take a picture of her XRay. Very hard to see where she had the fractures.

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